Animated Images

ImageBoss supports Animated GIF/WebP/AVIF resizing and cropping on the fly.

At this point in time, everything but watermaking is not supported for animated images.

Default GIF/WebP/AVIF Support

By default if you ask to resize a GIF image we will take the only the first frame of your animated image and then apply any filter/operation you want.

Example /mywebsite-images /width /300 /examples/08.gif

Animated Images

It preserves the animation of your image and applies the operation you ask for all frames. You can combine it with any operation available.
animation accepts 1 or true.

Example /mywebsite-images /width /300 /animation:true /examples/08.gif

Animated GIFs With Exact Output Size

Currently, we will reduce your GIF to fit inside of the dimentions your asked and then crop it.

Example /mywebsite-images /cover /300x300 /animation:true /examples/08.gif

Converting Animated GIFs to MP4

When required, ImageBoss can also convert your GIF into MP4.

Example /mywebsite-images /cover /300x300 /animation:true,format:mp4 /examples/08.gif

<video autoplay loop muted controls>
  <source src=",format:mp4/examples/08.gif" type="video/mp4">