ImageBoss supports adding text to your images.
Like any other filter that you can add to your images, ImageBoss also let add text to overlay your images. Just pass the options on the URL as explained below.
Available Options
Defines text you want to overlay your images.
Defines the size of the text.
Defines the typeface of your font.
Defines the weight of the fond. Options are: normal, bold or number.
Defines the font style. Options are: normal or italic.
Defines the color of the text. Accepts only a hexadecimal color, such as 000fff.
Defines the padding around the text. Number between 1-100.
Applies a text shadow. Number between 0-10.
Position of the text. Options are: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest and center (default).
Adds a contour line to your text. Accepts a number between 0-100.
Defines the contour color. Accepts only a hexadecimal color, such as 000fff.
Defines the text opacity. Number between 1-100.
Basic text overlay
Using ImageBoss Web Library
data-imageboss-options="txt:Simple Text,txt-size:80,txt-font:RobotoMono,txt-color:ffffff"